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İngilizce Makale Örnekleri: Kısa İngilizce Makale Örnekleri
Burada size ingilizce makale örnekleri konusunda inceleyebileceğiniz kısa bir essay – research paper sunuyoruz. Bu kısa ingilizce makale örnekleri Neo-Malthusian’cılar, David Foreman ve Deep Ecologist’ler hakkında kısa ingilizce makale örnekleri dir.
Marginalizing the Vivid Picture: Neo-Malthusians versus David Foreman and Deep Ecologists are in the Flock
-When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
Cree Prophecy
Despite the fact that Deep Ecologists and David Foreman advocates that humans have detrimental effects on ecology, Neo-Malthusians are even more blaming the society to destroy the nature on a hate basis. Even Deep Ecologists are holding the humans more responsible from the devastation nature and wild life, Neo-Malthusians press the burden to poor people, more likely. According to Neo-Malthusians, these uneducated and poor people are devastating the nature where elites and rich people are not responsible for. This essay will going to illuminate the point that, the two fractions are diverse from each other.
At glance, even if David Foreman has been found guilty for some cases like THERMCON, later he admitted that incorporation of Marxists and Anarchists leaded the movement in a wrong direction. He just tried to protect the nature and wild life from the profit ambition of big companies and that doesn’t make him bad. ( Counterpunch, 2015)
On the other hand, Deep Ecologists claims that the welfare and prosperous of human and nonhuman life cycle on world have worth in themselves and people have no claim to decrease this fruitfulness and variety with the exception of to please crucial people requirements. Despite the fact that Deep Ecologists are more hateful towards the effect of human life towards the nature and wild life, they hold responsible the whole people as a whole: poor and rich.
Only thing we would connect Deep Ecologist and Neo Malthusians on the population control basis. Both parties claim that we need to control the population growth because, as the population flourishes more supplies will be needed however where the population grows exponentially, supplies are growing arithmetically as Thomas Robert Malthus suggested in his book Essay on the Principle of Population. (Malthus, 1798) Neo-Malthusians advanced the Malthusians’ ideas on two points: they stood on birth control approaches besides likewise recognized the working class with the glitch of overpopulation. The congested industrial favelas were recognized as places of moral deterioration. (Shah, 2013)
The Neo-Malthusian position originate courtesy with the elite opinions on the subject of overpopulation. The elite, endangered by the rising quantities of masses, measured birth control as a significant ways of testing forthcoming struggle over their belongings. Thus, as far as we can observe, Neo-Malthusians were the backer of elites where David Foreman and Deep Ecologists are the protector of nature and wild life.
Although all of them care for nature and birth control, they differentiate at certain points. Labelling the Deep Ecologist and David Foreman is a mean argument whether they did something wrong as in the case of THERMCON and Deep Ecologists hate for human as in the critics of Murray Bookchin. (Bookchin, 1987) Besides, as the Neo-Malthusians take poor into account for the bad effects on nature and wild life, others consider the whole human kind. Moreover, Neo-Malthusians just care the welfare of elites in the name of “ecology and wild life”. If we act in a responsible way, we can stop the devastation of nature and wild like. Overpopulation is not the problem, human behavior is.
İngilizce Makale Örnekleri: Bilimsel İngilizce Makale Örnekleri
İngilizce makale örnekleri ni diğer bilimsel makalelerden diğerlerinden ayıran en bariz özellik kaynak kullanımıdır. Desteksiz ve kaynaksız konuşmak yerine, argümanımızı destekleyen doğru ve etkili kaynak kullanımı ile bilimsel makaleler de yazabiliriz. Bilimsel makale örnekleri konusunu incelerken bilimsel makale örneklerinden yararlanacağız. Yazımızı bu kısmında size bilimsel ingilizce makale örnekleri vereceğiz.
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
R. Frost
Jasmine: An Alienation Turning Into a METAMORPHOSIS
Bharati Mukherjee has substantiated to be one of the most captivating expressions amid female minority authors. Mukherjee classifies herself as an unhyphenated American instead of describing herself a hyphenated Indian-American author. Her script designates the hoary world but also fresh viewpoints, laterally with the vicissitudes upon acclimatization into the new social order. Put another way, Mukherjee is delighted of her Indian origin though also espousing and “celebrating America” in her art. Mukherjee breaks free of the obligatory quietness forced on women of her experience, permitting herself to sound a distinguishing expression of her own as a substitute for just melting into the conventional and becoming imperceptible.
Suffering sundry hindrances, Jasmine’s voyage in life is filled with encounters and the brawls. Jasmine exist as the fifth daughter, the seventh of nine youngsters in her hefty family, was from nascency measured as a tarnation. Therefore, her mother factually endeavored to murder her by leaving a scratch “ruby-choker bruise” nearby her throat. Jasmine’s mother expects to spare Jasmine the ignominy and dishonor of being a bride without trousseau in the future. (Erten) Consequently, for Jasmine, persistence plays an essential role with the beginning of her life. As a woman, Jasmine narrates to her mother and doesn’t declare her as responsible. Gloomily, yet, the fact vestiges: Jasmine’s initial encounter is against her own mother.
Nevertheless, Jasmine pardons and grasps the reasons why her mother endeavored to stifle her to death. (Radhakrisnan) Birth into an Indian family with customary morals, Jasmine is required to obey with the burdens of her family and culture. Jasmine’s insurgence against sightless certainty in traditional values. Therefore, Jasmine denies to receive the astrologer’s prediction of her condemned “widowhood and exile.” Thus she screeches at him, “You don’t know what my future hold.” (Mukherjee) Jasmine contends with the astrologer and evidently demonstrates her robust aspiration to alter the man’s interpretation of her fortune and the forecast of exile.
So to speak, Jasmine deduces her flair of a third eye as being a way to govern her destiny: “Symbolically this may mean that Jasmine is born to reposition her stars by rejecting the traditional fatalism of Indian society.” (Banerjee) Fundamentally, Jasmine is disobedient in chi, nonetheless with a tenacity. Her struggling with hindrances doesn’t just halt at her near decease experience when she born for Jasmine’s forte is verified so many times through her sequences of bold voyages as she confronted diverse facets of her character.
In every time, Jasmine matches to endure and elevate herself above all the old sightless traditions. Later on, as she doing the laundry with the other womenfolk, she bump into her next clash: with a furious dog. The dog’s violence is a tangible menace to the young Jasmine. However, she doesn’t fade away or feel frightened of the dog, even though, as she defines, “It was not just a dog it was more of a wolf.” (Mukherjee)
Jasmine equates the animal more than a dog comparable to a wolf to suggest the marvelous peril she faces here. The while, she distinguishes that the furious dog arose for her and not for the other women nearby. She leisurely gaps for the dog to assault her while she gets prepared to attack back. Ultimately, she slays the dog by devastating its head with a tree branch because she wasn’t prepared to give up so effortlessly and perish. Growing up in this acrimonious environment, Jasmine raises to be harsher each time she senses nearer to decease and conquest and however is able to overcome them. What doesn’t kill her, actually makes her stronger.
Nonetheless, Jasmine’s problematic journey commences when Half-Face viciously rapes her, which virtually abolishes her on her very first day in America. Snubbing to finish her existence and coveting to end her duty, exclusively now that she has lastly grasped America, Jasmine pervades herself with the damaging vigor of the divine Kali to assault and murder Half-Face.
Emblematically, Jasmine alters herself into the divine of Kali by defeating Half-Face: Jasmine’s performance of ferocity is a performance of de-selfing, much like suttee itself. Accurate ferocity, in this circumstance, homicide, symbolize, even asleep, the agony of individual alteration. Also, this rape represents the decease of Jyoti and the renaissance of Jasmine. It is solitary through annihilation that Jasmine can concept a fresh and better self.
Evidently put, Jasmine deserts the old self to found a fresh American individuality. This is why Jasmine burns her spouse’s valise, i.e., as a method of wounding loose the weights of her previous experiences and saying good-bye the whole thing behind. While she departures the motel, she initiates rambling toward the mysterious on “the first streaks of dawn” to initiate her “first full American day” by “traveling light.” (Mukherjee)
Meaningfully, she leaves behind her old valise and label as she departures to discover novel connotation and their implications in contentment of her American daydream to discover liberty and self-identity. Subdued and injured by the vicious rape, Jasmine comprehends that enduring and breathing on can be a armament to battle against masculine domination and bodily exploitation.
Becoming the divine Kali to murder Half-Face proves Jasmine’s supremacy, “She emblematically homicides her valuable individuality again and again to re-form a novel one.” (Banerjee) Handicapped by social fences and ravishment her merely welcome to America, Jasmine nonetheless alters her fury into assertion to craft an enhanced tomorrow. With this philosophy, Jasmine’s initial night in America can be seen as a demise and renaissance experience. (Hall)
Apropos, the storyteller’s practice of dissimilar names suggests Jasmine’s plural female subjectivity. In her development of unravelling her name, the trip in the novel interprets as the ever-moving and renewing fluidity of life. Consequently, by giving Jasmine extra one name, Mukherjee undermines the idea of a fixed constant topic: “And it is in this continuous effort of deconstructing and reconstructing selfhood that Jasmine encounters violence in every step of her identity formation.” (Banerjee)
In this context, Jasmine converts to more occidental, as she alters from Jasmine, to Jazzy, Jase, and Jane. In the progression, she, the leading role, must acclimatize as “ Jasmine goes through several transformations, and I like to think that she is still open to many more self-inventions.” (Goudie) Jasmine’s choice to leave India concurs with her request to fade away from the imprisonments of her social individuality and start a novel life. As Leard states, “The narrative ends on a note of optimism where Jasmine, cocooning a cosmos in her pregnant belly, and about to re-position her stars again, is ready to plunge into another life and another journey of transformation.” (Leard)
Burada bilimsel makale örnekleri konusunu işlerken verdiğimiz bilimsel makale örnekleri, dikkat edilecek olursa; söz dizimi, sözcük zenginliği, bağlaçların kullanımı, kaynaklar ve bunların kullanımına dikkat edin lütfen. Makale örneklerini incelerken bu saydığımız makale özellikleri ne dikkat ederseniz sizin için daha faydalı bir edinim olacaktır.
İngilizce Makale Örnekleri: Uzun İngilizce Makale Örnekleri
Burada size ingilizce makale örnekleri konusunda inceleyebileceğiniz uzun bir essay – research paper sunuyoruz. Bu makalemiz Kapitalizm 3.0 – Embedded Kapitalizm hakkında bir araştırma makalesidir. Hadi şimdi de bu ingilizce makale örnekleri ni inceleyelim.
Transforming Unitary Economies: Capitalism 3.0 versus Embedded Liberalism in the Congregation
“Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis”*
– Ovid
*Time is changing and we are evolving with it; sometimes deteriorating, but tries to flourish from its ashes. However, we are trying to keep up with zeitgeist in order to follow fashion and gladden the god’s of markets. We have faced many variations and types of market economy throughout history: starting 18th century British Expansion – Colonial expansion that opens whole world to market economy to Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nation, from 1929 Great Depression to Keynesian Economy, from Milton Friedman – Chicago Boys – to Dani Rodrik. However, the market economy suffered us with income gap, globalization of market economy that compelling with nation states, domestic regulations against global codes and etc.
Beyond all these arguments, Dani Rodnik advocated that markets should be profoundly implanted in systems of governance to work fine. Furthermore, he said that nations have the right to defend their own social measures and associations. Altough globalization of markets are against that idea he claimed that a better way is possible. Conversely, John Ruggie stated that a way named embedded liberalism is also possible to set up to support a combination of free trade with the liberty for countries to boost their provision of prosperity and to control their economies to decrease unemployment.
In order to understand what Capitalism 3.0, is at glance, Dani Rodrik explained the concepts of Capitalism 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1: an illumination of how we came through in the eyes of economy. He sketched: Capitalism 1.0 was the introduction of the “the miracle of the market” as an economic instrument. Back in 19th century, like Adam Smith’s era, the idea was state must not interfere the markets in order to let it work effectively and state solely needs to grant protection of services like belonging rights, judiciary system and national-domestic affairs. If state do not interfere the markets, an invisible hand will take care of the business. (Smith, 1776)
Capitalism 2.0 was the encountering, remarkably in the 1930s, that markets are not self-forming, controlling, alleviating or legitimizing. This headed to institutional underpinnings, and new government forms accountable for financial strategy, relocation, conflict administration and etc. Fundamentally Keynes and his Welfare State in Europe after WW II, beside the likewise version of United States. The main issue with Capitalism 2.0 in Dani Rodrik’s interpretation was that it is about national supervisory and inaccuracy of institutions rather than captivating a global vision, although worldwide trade presence as an actuality.
To keep international trade going, the prouded Bretton Woods scheme “threw sand in the wheels” of global trade, Rodrik discusses, with capital controls and a vastly tolerant GATT arrangement doing slight heavy lifting. Emerging nations had left behind of the club, in Dani Rodrik’s opinion, whereas he mentioned advanced countries were “in many ways free to do what they want”. (Rodrik, 2011)
While international trade increased, we entered an era where he mentioned the Capitalism 2.1: Capitalism 2.1, which Dani Rodrik defined as monetary deregulation after 90s, associated to two neo-liberal inaccuracies of consideration: You can drive incorporation of global marketplaces and allow organizations apprehend, and that profound financial incorporation has no possessions on domestic organizations. If emerging nation’s institutions were garbage to initiate with, Dani Rodrik advocates, at that point the neo-liberal schedule was dead in any case.
So, as we are describing current and past models that are causing the financial crises along the history, Dani Rodrik shows up with Capitalism 3.0 and describe how he would repair it. He come up with a good explanation why a firmly worldwide, international system of trade parameters cannot work. Initially, to be valid it would necessitate international criteria, a universal security network, and ultimately a worldwide administration. This idea will not be convenient in modern world, to understand this just gaze at the difficulties Europe is facing, even cultures are approximately related, at least associated to speak South East Asia.
In addition, Dani Rodrik have an opposition considering nation’s current domestic situations that different nations have diverse requirements to others: Emerging nations with young residents trying to attain a physical conversion have very varied goals to Western nations burdened with retiring baby boomers. There are hence all types of difficulties that arise from trying to execute worldwide principles and a level playing ground. Dani Rodrik gives as an instance that an emerging nation would desire to permit child labor that we cannot think it’s suitable in the industrialized realm.
You would count any amount of diverse samples, taking in ecological concerns, relocation, well-being and security, fiscal assets and etc. Some of these concerns are very viable however accurately, we live in a diverse sphere of national states with national comforts, and such concerns will be resolved at an internal level, not throughout harmonizing by worldwide trade rules. A worldwide governing agenda isn’t wanted and will not initiate in any case.
Given this problems, Rodrik come up with a solution: New Traffic Rules. He stated that in order to embed into Capitalism 3.0, we need to follow this guidelines:
- Markets should be profoundly surrounded in structures of governance to work healthy
- Comprehend that we live beneath nation states.
- Nations have a right to defend their own communal activities and organizations however cannot enforce them on others.
- Worldwide economic measures need to be of the maximum ‘thickness’ that is reliable with preserving a space for internal organizations. (Rodrik, 2011)
His believes his ideas, New Traffic Rules, may administer global trade. On the other hand, Ruggie suggested embedded liberalism to answer the problems of current economic system.
Embedded liberalism is a word for the worldwide financial structure and the allied global political orientation as it occurred from the end of WW II to up until 70s. The system was built to endorse a mixture of free trade with the liberty for countries to boost their provision of welfare and to adjust their markets to diminish unemployment. (Ruggie, 1982) Conventional academics usually define embedded liberalism as connecting a cooperation among two wanted but somewhat contradictory objectives. The primary goal was to recover free trade.
Earlier to World War I, worldwide trade shaped a big percentage of international GDP, however the traditional liberal command which reinforced it, had been suffered by warfare and the Great Depression. The following goal was to permit domestic administrations the liberty to deliver substantial wellbeing agendas and to interfere in their markets to preserve full employment.
This following goal was measured to be discordant with a complete return to the free marketplace system as it occurred in the end 19th century, mostly because with a free marketplace in global wealth, financiers would effortlessly pull out cash from states that practice to perform interfering and redistributive strategies.
The final negotiation was alive in the Bretton Woods scheme, which propelled through the World War II, finalized at the very end. The scheme was liberal in that it intended to build an open organization of global trade in properties and services, aided by half fixed exchange rates. Nevertheless it also intended to “embed” marketplace armies into an outline where they would be controlled by state administrations, with governments capable to regulate global wealth pours by means of wealth controls. Fresh worldwide many-sided organizations were shaped to enhance the fresh agenda, like the World Bank and the IMF. (Martin, 2016)
Both ideas defends the national sovereignty over the fiscal policies and states that it is impractical to regulate markets globally because of many reasons: nation to nation differences – demographic, fiscal, the way of living alters among the nations so it’s impractical to implement a global standards, nations do not want to give up their control over their markets – who will be the supreme force, labor standards bite the unification – child labor and such applications may not be appropriate for Western world, environmental/safety/health standards – if any country desires higher standards will trade rules prevent them?
Besides, what will happen about currency manipulation?, trade versus technological change – R&D and technological advances are extremely controlled what will happen about them?, what will be the trade regime among the nations and how they will benefit among themselves? And the top question which institution will regulate the monetary policy. Both ideas touches the controversial headlines like the ones above and prevails the nation governance on markets over a global management.
Instead of globalizing more into international markets, nations – especially emerging ones- need to develop their own market policies to enhance their fiscal situations. Markets cannot be handled by invisible hands and need to be embedded into systems of governance in order to work well. Like in the Bretton Wood system mentioned in Ruggie’s part, which also suggested by first part, markets can and need to be open to world but states should capable to rule worldwide capital flows by vehicles of capital controls.
Bu uzun makale örnekleri yukarıda saydığımız kaynakların kullanımı, saygın insanlar tarafından yazılmış olması ve transition word’lerin kullanımı makale özellikleri bakımından zengin olması gibi konulardan öne çıkıyor. Ayrıca konuyu açıklarken konuyu ortaya atan teorisyenlerin ilk ağızdan sözlerine yer vermesi ise makaleyi daha güçlü kılıyor. Uzun ingilizce makale örnekleri olarak yukarıda paylaştığımız essay türünde yazılmış yazılar 650 ile 1500 kelime arasında değişen ingilizce makale örnekleri dir.
İngilizce Makale Örnekleri: Açıklamalı Örnekler
İngilizce Makale Örneği: Tartışmacı Makale Örneği
Bu kısımda size açıklamalı halleri ile ingilizce makale örnekleri vereceğiz. Aşağıda vereceğimiz ingilizce makale örnekleri, argumentative essay olarak da bilinen bir tartışmacı ingilizce makale örnekleridir.

İngilizce makale örnekleri – Essay Sepeti

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İngilizce Makale Örneği: Cause and Effect Essay Örnekleri

Cause and effect ingilizce makale ornekleri – Essay Sepeti

Cause and effect ingilizce makale ornekleri

ingilizce makale ornekleri
İngilizce Makale Örnekleri
Yukarıda belirttiğimiz 4 farklı türdeki ingilizce makale örneği aynı zamanda ingilizce makale örnekleri konusunu da içine almaktadır. İngilizce makale örnekleri nelerdir, İngilizce makale nasıl yazılır, deneme örnekleri gibi konularda arama yapan arkadaşlarımız yukarıdaki yazılardan faydalanabilirler. Bu yazımızda size ingilizce makale örnekleri konusunda bilgilendirmeye çalıştık. Siz de eğer bu konuda danışmanlık almak isterseniz bize mesaj atabilirsiniz.
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